What is Mobile Mapping

With Mobile Mapping Services, you can collect 3D geospatial data from any moving vehicle whether on land, sea or rail. This data is collected via the vehicle mounted laser scanners, sensors and cameras and then registered and processed at our head office.

All collected data is sure to be accurate to a survey grade level and can be delivered in various industry-standard formats such as point cloud, AutoCAD topographic survey, GIS, REVIT, etc.

Applications for mobile mapping include:

Mobile Mapping has various navigation and remote sensing technologies on a common moving platform.

Mobile Mapping

Uses of this mapping solution are:


Looking for an easy way to map and monitor transportation or utilities?

Mobile Mapping Services offers advanced capabilities that replace the tradition methods of topographical survey by providing a very short data acquisition time with high accuracy for a wide range of applications. MMS provide high accuracy and very short data acquisition time for a wide range of applications. The modern platforms are based on four different technologies operating together:

Are you looking for Survey

Ready to get started? Let's talk.

If you are in need of a residential land survey, commercial land survey or telecommunication land survey, Falcon Survey is the land surveying firm for your project.

About us

Falcon Survey Engineering Consultants is a pioneering Survey Engineering Company in UAE established in the  year of 2007, built on a strong work ethic, honesty and a commitment to relationships. Today Falcon is one of the leading organizations in the field of Land Surveying, Soil Investigation, Ariel Survey (UAV/Drone Mapping), Bathymetric Survey (Hydrographic), Underground Surveying, 3D Laser Scanning Surveying, Calibration Services, Material Testing as well as Geographic Surveys which has International Standard and Quality

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